
Welcome to Charlie's Enormous Blog! Here you will find pictures of amplifiers, stompboxes, and other electronic creations, as well as random video and audio samplings of the products offered by Charlie's Enormous Audio.

Charlie's Enormous Creations

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Greetings and salutations!

Here at Charlie's Enormous Audio, we have been very busy lately. Currently I am working on a bass amp for my Dad out of a Bayern 12-bottle Variety box. I am also shoring up some designs on a cigar box iPod/Mp3 player docking station...sort of (it only plays music, it doesn't actually charge your player too). It is a cigar box with two speakers that you can simply plug your Mp3 player into and hear your tunes in full stereo...all from a 9V battery or DC power supply (up to 12V DC). Those should be out soon...well, as soon as I can find some dual gang potentiometers at a reasonable price. I am also finishing up some of my first stompboxes, or guitar pedals, if you prefer. These have been a lot of fun. I have been working with local artist Brock Elam of Elam Designs in the Bitterroot (he also designed the logo at the top of this page). He has created some great artwork to go on the pedals and we are just finishing up the first design called the Bluebird, a clone of the original Marshall Blues Breaker which is no longer in production. I will have pics and sound clips as soon as it is finished. Next is the Tube Weasel, an Ibanez Tube Screamer (TS808) clone, and the Camarillo Armadillo, a vintage Texas Rangemaster Treble Booster clone. I am also hoping to put up some video and sound clips of the cigar box amps featured on this site. Need to find some time...
Thanks for visiting Charlie's Enormous Blog...stay tuned!

-Alardyce M. Watson